Westside Rocket Garden & Outdoor Classroom

Our winter veggies are growing beautifully and our bluebonnet stomp was a success with lots of pretty flowers!! 
Lettuces & we caught a lady bug!! 
 A big huge thank you to Eagle Scout Easton Jenkins and his family and friends!  He built our new garden table as a project to be awarded his Eagle Scout badge.  Congratulations!!  His family and friends came to our garden September 10th and installed our new garden table and helped us put in our new garden floor of decomposed granite.  Awesome teamwork!!
September 10th work day.  Thanks to all the volunteers that helped us prepare the ground for the decomposed granite.  We will be putting in the rest of the granite when we build the remaining two beds.  
SUMMERTIME 2016!! We have seen lots of things grow.  And witnessed the pollinators!  Be on the lookout for what you would like to volunteer for during Open House September 18th. 
5/25/2016  UPDATE:  Some Gulf Fritillary caterpillars have been spotted hanging out on our passion vine!  The caterpillar (pictured below) is richly colored orange and black with spikes.